Year 2 Drama Workshop

Category: Drama

Year 2 Drama Workshop

Matthew from Perform Theatre Company came to school to deliver a wonderful drama workshop last Friday. Year 2 children had a fantastic experience and thoroughly enjoyed exploring drama and movement activities with a professional actor!

Nurseryland Revolution!

NHP habits were out in full force as Year 4 delivered 3 fantastic performances of ‘Nurseryland Revolution’. The play featured angry rapping princesses, princes that wanted to knit and Dr Little Bo Peep who lost her sheep due to her busy PhD schedule!

Year 6 Latin Plays

On Wednesday, 20th of March, Year 6 performed their Latin plays in front of Yr 5, Yr 7, and Yr 8. The three plays were all fully in Latin and all the performers had been practising in lessons for weeks. 6KT performed Auromica et Tres Ursi, (Goldilocks and the Three Bears.) 6OS performed Tres Porci…

Donkey Hoatee Saves the Day

Our Year 1 pupils took to the stage for the annual nativity performance. This year, our parents and staff were in for a treat, with the performance of an NHP classic, ‘Donkey Hoatee Saves the Day’. The children were absolutely brilliant, speaking with clarity, remembering all of their lines and singing beautifully. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed…